Frequently Asked Questions

Where does the data come from?

All weather information is compiled from four main sources:
- Aviation Reports or METAR
- Surface synoptic observations or SYNOP
- US National Weather Service (NOAA). Currently, forecasts only cover the USA.
- Worldwide forecast data is offered by Norwegian Meteorological Institute and its international partner institutions such as European Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts (ECMWF) and European Organisation for the Exploitation of Meteorological Satellites (EUMETSAT).

Weather stations are compiled from multiple sources, mainly:
- World Meteorologic Organization: WMO
- US National Weather Service
- Europe's weather warning service Meteoalarm

Why should I register?

You don't need to go through a lengthy registration process. We support OpenId so if you are already a member of Facebook, Gmail or Yahoo Mail then you only have to sign-in using these sites and you're done. Once you register you will be able to save your home location and the preferred unit of measurement (metric or imperial). Note that you can still set your home location without being logged in but if you use a different computer, the location will have to be set again.
Once you're signed-up you can start tagging your favorite stations and track them at any time. You can export the favorites list as RSS.

How often is the data refreshed?

Current weather is refreshed every 15 minutes.
Worldwide forecast is refreshed hourly. US forecast is refreshed every 12 hours, around 17:00 GMT and 05:00 GMT
Different weather sources are employed at different points in time within the hour depending on when their data is refreshed.

Can I bookmark the weather details for my area?

Absolutely. First search your city using the Search box on the main page then click on the hyperlink that shows on the bubble that appears on the map; the weather details page will appear. You can safely bookmark this page, the link will not change over time.

What is the time and date shown on weather reports?

When possible, the time and date shown are local to the location of the weather station that issues the weather report. However, there are countries that span multiple timezones. For now, Spincloud reverts to GMT time in some of these situations (Canada, Brazil, Russia and others fall into this category). This will be eventually fixed so that all weahter reports will have station-local time and date.

I spotted an error. What can I do?

- Weather error: from time to time the parsers that process the data will save erroneous information. You can report these errors via emal at
- Please report weather station errors at the same email address.